Let's Paint!
On Sunday, March 16th at 11:00 in the parish hall, join instructor Sue Ann Worley for “Let’s Paint!” The $20 class fee covers all materials and light refreshments. Sign up by March 9th by calling the office.
Services and Programming for Lent and Easter
March 4- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Bart's Hosted by the Boy Scouts, 6pm
March 5- Ash Wednesday Service, Noon at Good Shepherd or 6pm at St. Bart's
March 7 and all following Fridays before Good Friday- Fish Fry, 5-7pm
March 9- following the service, Fr. Steve will lead an Anglican rosary workshop. Participants will make their own rosary as well as learn about
its symbolism and how to use it for prayer.
March 12 and all following Wednesdays before Holy Week- Lenten Study "Becoming Beloved Community" at Good Shepherd, 5:00pm
April 13- Traditional Palm Sunday Mass with Fr. Bob, 9:30am
April 17- Maundy Thursday Service at Good Shepherd, 7pm
April 18- Stations of the Cross at St. Bart's, Noon
Good Friday Service at St. Bart's, 7pm
April 19- Easter Vigil at St. Bart's, 7pm
April 20- Easter Sunday Eucharist with Fr. Bob, 9:30am
​​Altar Flowers
If you would like to purchase the altar flowers for a specific Sunday, please place your name on the signup sheet in the cloak room. Checks should be made out to Saint Bartholomew Episcopal Church with “altar flowers” on the memo line. The suggested donation is $40. The Vestry also encourages contributions to a "Flower Fund." Donations in an amount of your choice to the Flower Fund will help to create a committed source of funds for altar flowers for those Sundays when no one has dedicated flowers. Please see Treasurer Jack Rendlesham for more information.